How To Build A Successful Online Brand

You might think that once you nail the logo and the tagline of your brand, the success of your business will fall right into place. In reality, brand-building is a long and thought-provoking process. And today, the online dimension has made it even more complicated.

Building an online brand is all about having a clear vision and communicating it. The vision makes your presence genuine, which builds trust with your customers.

You’ll want to build this trust whether you’re a pet supply store or a brick-and-mortar casino. You'll notice authentic brands from miles away. They possess a few key traits, so let’s talk about them.

Be Approachable

With social media growing every day, being approachable and responsive can be the difference between soaring sales and a lost lead.

As an online brand, it's essential to be where your customer is. That, coupled with efficient customer service, is the basic expectation these days. Your customer should feel as if you've been sitting there waiting just for them.

Being one click away is the new norm for any successful business, so many brands use bots to make communication with the customer easier. While bots work wonders in some cases, don't forget to personalize your conversation. Don't be distant; build your voice while keeping your customer in mind.

Be Easy to Identify

Our brain has a superpower: recognizing patterns.

Using distinct colours, layouts, and other details in your content, helps your customers notice and recognize you among hundreds of brands. In time, the patterns start feeling familiar to them, scoring you more sales in the future. 

Be Consistent

Many businesses fail because they lack consistency. While crucial, the inline visual style isn't the only thing to cover.

Once you are out there, your every move counts towards consistency. If you post on social media, do it periodically. If you are answering a customer's comment, make sure to use the right tone. If you are writing a blog post, adhere to a similar style for every piece.

Online Casinos: Distinctive Styles and Themes

Some successful online casinos offer great examples of good branding, and of how you can create an atmosphere that is familiar to all your customers. For example, 888 Casino is a well-known online gambling umbrella brand which has separate casino, sports betting, poker, and bingo sites for a wide variety of gambler segments. The 888 brand logo appears in different colours on each platform, but the overall look and feel are consistent everywhere. 

On the other hand, some casinos seek to build their brand thanks to a particular theme and design (you can find examples of successful casino brands here). This theme or design is consistent throughout; on the casino’s blog, in marketing material, and on player’s accounts. Together with design and the actual product offering, branding is one of the key factors that convinces customers to sign up with one platform over another.